Reminder: Parents, report cards will come home with students today! Check in with your student about their progress, and be sure to reach out to their teachers if you have any questions.
over 1 year ago, East Holmes School District
Winter Dance Information.
over 1 year ago, Mark Schlabach
Today might be the last day of school before break, but the last 2 weeks were full as East Holmes students participated in 10 concerts. The talents and skills of our students were on display, and we are so proud! Enjoy your Christmas break, and we look forward to students returning on January 3rd!
#eastholmes #inspirepreparechallenge
over 1 year ago, East Holmes School District
The December School Board Meeting is this Friday December 16th 7:30am at Central Office.
over 1 year ago, East Holmes School District
The annual Christmas Concert is tonight at the Amish Country Theater!
over 1 year ago, Mark Schlabach
Rose Hostetler, a local author, shared her author experiences with our Book Club today. She gifted each member of Book Club a collection of her published books. Rose has written four books with her grandchildren and is working on her fifth book.
almost 2 years ago, Mark Schlabach
Reminder -- There is a 2 HOUR EARLY RELEASE for students on Wednesday December 7th, for professional development meeting time for staff. Any questions please contact your school building. East Holmes Local School District
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
Excellent opening night for Wizard of OZ at Hiland last night! All of the hard work from students and directors was on display!
There are still 4 more performances this weekend, so be sure to check it out! All tickets can be purchased online -
#hilandhawks #eastholmes #inspirepreparechallenge
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
Thanks to Keim for the partnership and time invested with our 8th graders from Chestnut Ridge, Mt. Hope, and Wise today! Students went on a tour, learned more about employability skills, and participated in a panel discussion on what they value working at Keim.
@keimhome #eastholmes #inspirepreparechallenge
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
Reminder -- There is a 2 HOUR EARLY RELEASE for students on Thursday November 17th, for professional development meeting time for staff. Any questions please contact your school building. East Holmes Local School District
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
The November School Board Meeting is Friday November 18th 7:30am at Central Office.
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
Hiland High School is proud to present The Wizard of Oz in the Hiland Auditorium November 17-20. Our production will feature our high school, middle school, and elementary cast members along with a live professional orchestra and guest appearance by one of our district staff members. This is a family friendly production and a definite must see!
Please see below for dates and ticket information:
The Wizard of Oz
Thursday, November 17 - 7:00pm
Friday, November 18 - 7:00pm
Saturday, November 19 - 2:30pm and 7:00pm
Sunday, November 20 - 2:30pm
At Hiland Auditorium
Tickets - $10 (sold online or at door, all reserved seating)
Click link below to purchase tickets online:
You are also invited to our fourth annual Musical Dinner Gala on Saturday, November 19 at 5:30pm in the Hiland Cafeteria. Tickets are $35 and include a full course dinner catered by Log Cabin Catering, live music, cast meet/greet, and a reserved ticket to the Saturday production at 7:00pm! To purchase, select 'Performance + Musical Dinner Gala' when selecting seats for the Saturday production online.
We hope to see you then!
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
Good luck to our Volleyball, Girls Soccer, and Boys Soccer teams tomorrow as they all play in District Final matches!
Volleyball 11am vs. TCC at Sandy Valley HS
Girls Soccer 4pm vs. Worthington Christian at New Albany HS
Boys Soccer 7pm vs. Worthington Christian at New Albany HS
All tickets are online only at
Good luck teams!
#gohawks #hiland #eastholmes #inspirepreparechallenge
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
Reminder - There is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, October 21st and Monday, October 24th for staff professional development.
**Also tomorrow Thursday, October 20th there is no 2 hour early release. All buildings will run on normal schedules. **
Any questions please call your building office.
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
The October School Board Meeting is Friday October 21st 7:30am at Central Office.
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
In honor of Bus Safety Week, a safe driving reminder to motorists and students:
-Yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. Motorists should slow down and prepare to stop their vehicles.
-Red flashing lights and extended stop arms indicate the bus has stopped and children are getting on or off. Motorists must stop their cars and wait until the red lights stop flashing, the extended stop-arm is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving before they can start driving again.
A special thank you to all of our drivers and mechanics who keep our students safe everyday!
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
Reminder - There is NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, October 21st and Monday, October 24th for staff professional development.
Any questions please call your building office.
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
Excellent concert from choirs at Hiland and Legacy Christian! The collaborative concert was a great community event for both schools and a wonderful representation of the talents in our schools - well done students!
Thanks to Walnut Creek Mennonite for hosting!
almost 2 years ago, East Holmes School District
Help keep our schools safe by using the School Tip Line to report student safety concerns: 1-844-723-3764
By calling or texting this number you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or your school.