Funsday Wednesday coming up this week. Football jersey day. Bring a quarter and wear a jersey. The quarters collected this year will go to Love INC of Holmes County.
2 days ago, Darrell Haven
Our new team members at Walnut Creek and Winesburg. A great group of Kindergarteners.
5 days ago, Darrell Haven
It's Friday at Walnut Creek and Winesburg! A great place to hang out. Have a great weekend.
19 days ago, Darrell Haven
Today is the first day of school for students. Welcome back, everyone! We look forward to starting the 2024-2025 school year off strong.
22 days ago, East Holmes School District
Open house is today, August 19! Please see the open house times for each school. Remember, the first day of school for students is Wednesday, August 21.
24 days ago, East Holmes School District
Remember: the first day of school is one week from today, Wednesday, August 21!
29 days ago, East Holmes School District
Please see the open house times for each school on August 19.
Reminder: The first day of school for students is Wednesday, August 21. We’re excited to welcome everyone back soon!
about 1 month ago, East Holmes School District
Open House coming up August 19th. Winesburg 4:00-5:30, Walnut Creek 5:00-6:30.
about 1 month ago, Darrell Haven
Thank you ForeverLawn, Winesburg Home/School League, and students for making this possible for the Winesburg Playground.
2 months ago, Darrell Haven
Reminder: tomorrow is the last day of school for students. There will be a two-hour early dismissal. Have a great summer, everyone!
4 months ago, East Holmes School District
Reminder: There will be no school for students tomorrow Thursday, May 9th for professional development meeting time for our staff. If you have any questions, please contact your school building. Let's finish the last 10 days of school strong!
East Holmes Local School District
4 months ago, East Holmes School District
Today is National Principals' Day, and we’d like to take this opportunity to recognize our dedicated principals within our school district.
Hiland High and Middle School: Tyler Renner
Berlin Elementary: Darren Blochlinger
Flat Ridge Elementary & Wise Elementary: Casey Travis
Chestnut Ridge Elementary & Mt. Hope Elementary: James Luneborg
Walnut Creek Elementary & Winesburg Elementary: Darrell Haven
Hiland Assistant Principal: Mark Schlabach
Thank you for your leadership and commitment to our students and schools!
4 months ago, East Holmes School District
Volunteers needed for our Right to Read Week Carnival on Friday, May 17th.
5 months ago, Darrell Haven
Kindergarten and First Grade Spring Programs this week. Walnut Creek, Tuesday, April 9th at 2:15. Winesburg, Wednesday, April 10 at 1:15.
5 months ago, Darrell Haven
Looking for volunteers for Right to Read Week. Contact Mrs. George or Miss Lautenschleger if you'd be interested.
5 months ago, Darrell Haven
There will be no classes today due to the solar eclipse.
5 months ago, East Holmes School District
Reminder: School will be closed on Monday, April 8, in observance of the solar eclipse. Classes will resume as usual on Tuesday, April 9. Enjoy the event safely!
5 months ago, East Holmes School District
Winesburg Elementary Haystack Breakfast...look forward to seeing you there.
5 months ago, Darrell Haven
Special Spring Break Special from Mudd Valley. Free kids meal with purchase of adult sandwich or stack.
6 months ago, Darrell Haven
Hard Hat winners for the month of February. Celebrating those students who seek to understand (great listeners). Great job everyone!
6 months ago, Darrell Haven